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Founded in 2001, Green Ivy Educational Consulting is a leading global academic advising firm, working with parents, educators, and, most importantly, students.
Our office is located in Silicon Valley, and we enjoy working with clients around the world. Our thoughtful, holistic approach helps students develop their individual strengths and executive functioning skills while improving overall wellness. We help students develop organization, time-management, and personal productivity skills, especially given increased technology and social media use.
Green Ivy Educational Consulting is an academic advising firm that empowers students to design and implement their own blueprint for academic success and personal well-being. We help students develop essential executive functioning skills, support academic and community engagement, encourage positive learning experiences, and promote social and emotional learning.






“It’s been a fast, intense, roller coaster these past four years. Words can’t begin to express how deeply grateful [my husband] and I are to you and your incredible staff for everything you’ve done, and for going above and beyond countless times, for [our son]. At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, I believe that Green Ivy was life-changing for him. His high school experience would have been profoundly different (and not in a positive way) if he would not have had weekly guidance and support.”
- Parent of a San Jose, CA college student
“I highly recommend Green Ivy as a college placement service. Green Ivy was the best decision we made because it allowed us to be involved as parents without having to battle the grind of high school academics, test preps, college applications, and essay writing.”
- Parent of Atherton, CA college student
“Green Ivy has been truly transformative for my 8th grade son, as well as our family. For the last two years, my son would start off each school year with a bang, but slowly slipped into disorganization and seeming lack of motivation (with attendant parental nagging and frustration). He would “forget” about assignments or even forget to turn in completed assignments. We literally thought he might not graduate from 7th grade. Now, his [academic advisor] helps our son stay organized, monitors his grades, keeps him on task and works on technical skills where needed. The nightly homework struggle is gone. Our son is confident and motivated, and not only made the A Honor Roll 1st and 2nd quarter, but his grades also improved in the 2nd quarter!”
- Parent of Los Altos, CA 8th grader
"We had a great experience working with Ana and the Green Ivy team. Ana's knowledge of how to navigate a complex college application experience made a big difference for all three of our children."
- A.E., Parent of High School Classes of '20 and '21, Los Altos Hills, CA
"Green Ivy has been instrumental in guiding two of my daughters through the college counseling process. I cannot imagine a better resource in making an often stress-filled process so streamlined, purposeful, and successful."
- Matt K., Parent of High School Classes of '20 and '22, Los Altos, CA