
How to Help Your Children Balance Their Online and IRL Lives

loading… Given the pervasiveness of technology and social media in nearly all of our lives, the topic of how best to help students regulate and balance their online and IRL lives comes up frequently at our Green Ivy offices. While we’ve looked at a variety of parental monitoring apps (along with their pros and cons) we also … Read more

The Importance of Teens and Tweens Having Physically Active Lives

loading… When we meet with students at Green Ivy, we coach them about more than just academics. We also have them reflect on their overall lifestyle habits, from stress management and nutrition to sleep and functional exercise. It’s recommended that teens get at least one hour of physical exercise a day, but recent studies have … Read more

How Much Homework Is Too Much?

loading… A common question posed by educators, parents and students centers around daily homework: how much is too much? While there isn’t one answer that fits every subject, school or individual student, we wanted to look at both sides of the issue. On the one hand, homework can achieve the necessary goal of reinforcing material … Read more

The Need For The Humanities in The Digital Age

loading…   We are all aware of how sped up our lives are in the digital age, but the effects our culture’s fast-answer, instant gratification culture is far-reaching, especially in one important area of study: the humanities. In some ways this makes sense, since truly studying literature, art and philosophy takes time. At the same … Read more

Inspiring Empathy and Resilience in Children

loading… There is no way to keep children from experiencing some of the hurt feelings, disappointment, frustration or failure that are a part of natural life. In fact, research has repeatedly shown that doing so can actually cause harm. At the same time, there are many ways of inspiring empathy and resilience in children by … Read more

The Importance of Spending Time Outdoors No Matter the Season

loading…  Studies have shown that spending time outdoors, even just a trip to the backyard or city park, provides a range of health and psychological benefits. Spending time is the natural antidote to everyday stress – and research shows our time in nature can reduce stress and aggression and increase creativity and empathy. A key … Read more