
Advising 101: How Best to Spend the Summer Before College—Great Ideas for High School Graduates

The summer before college can be a pivotal time for students, in part because finishing high school means they are one step closer to adulthood. At Green Ivy, we believe graduates should relax, see friends, and pursue enjoyable activities. We also see it as an optimal time to think more concretely about the transition to … Read more

Staying Social: Fighting the Loneliness Epidemic

  Several studies conducted by Harvard have found striking findings related to loneliness among both teens and young adults in the United States. From Harvard’s Caring Common Report entitled “On Edge” : “While the emotional struggles of teens have been in the national spotlight since the pandemic—and this attention has been vital—young adults report roughly … Read more

Asynchronous Learning In College: How to Stay Focused, Motivated, and Organized

A common style of classes in college, along with in-person classes is asynchronous, or online classes. These classes are especially popular at community colleges, which begs the question: How can students thrive in an asynchronous environment? Even for students with the best intentions, asynchronous = procrastination. If the class is recorded, it can be easy … Read more

Advising 101: “Demonstrated Interest” and College Admissions

A lot of buzzwords surround the college application process, and one that comes up frequently is “demonstrated interest.” Colleges use this term as a way to measure the excitement a given student shows in regard to a particular school, with the idea that a higher level of demonstrated interest means a greater chance a student … Read more

Bounce Back: Tools to Address Learning Lags

Over the past few years, we’ve seen students find themselves struggling to catch up after falling behind—whether due to absences, missed content, or simply facing challenges with difficult subjects. These learning lags can be frustrating, both for students and educators, and they can create a cycle of anxiety and self-doubt.  In our office, we love … Read more

Coping with Stress and Uncertainty

In today’s world, stress and uncertainty have become nearly ubiquitous. Personal challenges, global crises, and unpredictable life events have all made managing stress effectively essential for maintaining both mental and physical well-being.  Fortunately, a growing body of research shows that mindfulness, wellness practices, and a strong sense of community can help us navigate turbulent times … Read more