social media wellness

Wellness 101: Healthy Ways of Helping Your Teen Deal with Stress

Each year, the topic of teenage stress garners increasing amounts of attention. In fact, a simple Google search for “teens and stress” yields an abundance of articles with key phrases along the lines of “severe anxiety” and “growing epidemic.” The attention is not unwarranted; in 2014, the American Psychological Association conducted a survey that revealed … Read more

Advising 101: How Building a Positive Online Presence Can Impact College Admissions

Recent studies show that between 35 and 50 percent of admissions officers are viewing students’ social media profiles. This doesn’t mean they are looking for anything embarrassing or inappropriate, but it does mean they are using it as one way of gathering more information about applicants. When we talk about a student’s online presence, much … Read more

Wellness 101: Establishing Good “Sleep Hygiene”

When we ask students at Green Ivy what they’d like more time for in their daily routines, their number one answer is more sleep. Many students are accustomed to a sleep-deprived existence and will quickly point out that the bulk of their friends are getting even less sleep than they are. This situation has become … Read more

9 Ways to Help Teens Manage Their Social Media Footprint

 As Green Ivy founder, Ana Homayoun, writes about at length in her new book, Social Media Wellness, the online lives and “real” lives of tweens and teens are much more connected than many of them believe or realize. As a result, parents are often concerned about what their children are posting online, not to mention where they are posting it and who can … Read more