
Overcoming Learning Lags: Writing

Writing is essential for more than just English class — it enables daily communication, clarity, and understanding. Although everyone has a unique relationship to writing, the skill can always be practiced and improved. Below, we’ve listed several reliable strategies that students can use to steadily build their writing confidence throughout the school year.  Create a … Read more

Recognizing and Addressing Burnout

Lacking motivation? Irritable? Frustrated? Unable to focus? The last few years have been rough for many students (and adults!).  Over the past few months, we’ve received an increased number of requests to support middle school students, high school students, and college freshmen and sophomores with executive functioning skills, including organization, planning, prioritization, task initiation, and … Read more

How to Approach Letters of Appeal for CSUs and UCs

If a student is denied admission to a Cal State University (CSU) or University of California (UC), they can try to persuade the admissions office to reconsider their application by writing a letter of appeal. Each of the UC and CSU campuses offer their own appeals process, and have the exact guidelines on their respective … Read more

Advising 101: What Are Admissions Officers Looking for in College Essays?

When working with students on the college application process, we see personal statements and supplement questions as an *incredible opportunity* for students to showcase their unique background, perspective, and interests. Over the years, we’ve had so many students become excited about their essay topics, and craft compelling statements on why they want to attend a … Read more

Conversations and Resources for Horrific Tragedy

There were 346 school shootings in 2023, which is the highest total on record since at least 1966. This senseless violence can be impossible to comprehend, and it can feel impossible to put feelings into words. Gun violence, while immense,  is just one of the many fears students may carry with them when entering school. … Read more

The Underlying Stress of Passion + Purpose for Students

Last week, I had a high school senior in my office for a college advising appointment. A few minutes into the meeting, she blurted out, “I am so stressed! I don’t know what my passion is!!!” Please note: I had not asked her to identify her passion, her sense of purpose, or anything related. I … Read more