
Overcoming Learning Lags: Writing

Many of our students returned to in-person learning after having a remote or hybrid learning situation since March 2020. At Green Ivy Educational Consulting, we’ve noted increased anxiety and stress around math (particularly upper level math), writing, and world languages including Spanish, French, and Mandarin. This is the third in a three-part series of strategies … Read more

The Big Picture: Summer at Green Ivy

At Green Ivy, we know summer 2021 feels especially momentous —and our Summer 2021 services are designed to promote wellness, academic readiness, and self-expression through a wide variety of mini-courses and workshops. Curious to learn more? We wanted to share broad overviews of our five categories of summer services: college application support, writing workshops, subject-specific … Read more

How to Approach Letters of Appeal for CSUs and UCs

In the event that you are denied admission to a Cal State University (CSU) or University of California (UC), don’t panic! You can try to persuade the admissions office to reconsider your application by writing a letter of appeal. Each of the UC and CSU campuses offer their own appeals process. You can find exact … Read more

Branching Out: Summer Services at Green Ivy for High School Students

For many students and families, Summer 2021 offers a sense of renewed hope.  As high school students look for opportunity in a rapidly changing world, we know how it is increasingly important for teens to find outlets for building knowledge, supportive relationships, and self-reflection skills.  At Green Ivy, we’ve developed an expansive list of summer … Read more