applying to college

A Letter To Recent High School Graduates: Tips To Support A Smooth Transition To College

Hello hello! Congratulations on finishing high school! Graduation can be bittersweet, and you’ve worked hard to reach this milestone, so take some time to celebrate. As you head into summer, it’s important to take care of a few tasks to prepare yourself for your next chapter. We want to share five tips to help you … Read more

Advising 101: How to Start Generating Ideas for Your College Essays

Depending on the time of year, it might seem too early to start writing your college application essays, but the present moment is always a great time to start generating ideas for those essays by, for example, jotting down experiences that have resonated with you or that you found meaningful. At Green Ivy, we’ve seen … Read more

Academic Advising 101: Mission Totally Possible—Creating A College List

Many students (and parents!) find drafting an initial college list to be a daunting task. After all, there are over 4,000 colleges across the country. While different college rankings can certainly offer a place to start when researching schools, the subjective rankings are often met with skepticism. At Green Ivy, we believe it is more … Read more